How to upload a document (web app)

To upload a document to IQ Wealth on the web app, follow these steps.

  1. Log into IQ Wealth using the hyperlink below.

    IQ Wealth Login Page
  2. Click on Documents in the sidebar.
  3. Choose the folder you would like to upload your file to. Click the upload button on the right hand side of the screen.
  4. Click on the document you wish to upload and click Open.
  5. The document will then be added to your chosen folder, and the number of items in that folder will be updated.

Note: If Investment Quorum uploads any documents, the number of items in the folder will be highlighted in gold.

Author Picture
Charlotte Thomas
Operations and Technology Manager
Charlotte is Investment Quorum's Operations and Technology Manager. She works hard to increase our firm's operational efficiency across all departments by utilising technology, allowing our team to spend more time face-to-face with clients.