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Offshore bonds

What options are available if you consistently max out your pension allowance (£60,000), contribute £20,000 to your ISA each year, and take full advantage of your annual capital gains tax allowance? And what if your income exceeds £260,000 and your annual pension allowance is significantly reduced? Let's talk offshore bonds.
Author Picture
Nick Rolf
June 7, 2024
5 min read
Strategic Insights

Bank of Mum and Dad

We all want the best for our children but don't necessarily want to throw money at them. Wealth Manager Richard Watson looks at the options available to parents for helping their children financially now, in the medium-term future and further into their professional lives.
Author Picture
Richard Watson
May 29, 2024
5 min read
Strategic Insights

Bullet-proof your retirement investment strategy

The “100-year life” is no longer a fantasy. Although living longer is a cause for celebration, it does raise the question of how long you need to work before you can afford to retire. If demographic models have changed so much over the past century, we need to revise our understanding of retirement and how we fund it.
Author Picture
April 11, 2024
8 min read
Strategic Insights

Tax Year End: Ways to shield your money

February and March are particularly important months in the tax calendar. Here is a list of all the things you can do to be as tax-efficient as possible before the tax year closes.
Author Picture
Nick Rolf
February 19, 2024
4 min read
Strategic Insights

New Year, new start to your finances

January is an opportunity to make resolutions and commitments. There is no reason why we shouldn't use it to bring order to our finances as well! This week, Tom Fleming takes you through several painless tweaks you can make so you can be sure that your finances are still on track after all the commotion of Christmas.
Author Picture
Nick Rolf
January 17, 2024
3 min read
Strategic Insights

Investment themes for 2024

Interest rates look as though they are starting to level off, catalysing the emergence of a new investment environment with opportunities that have not existed for a long time. This week, Investment Analyst Nick Harrington considers what 2024 might hold for investors.
Author Picture
Nick Harrington
November 29, 2023
5 min read